September 16, 2024

10 Essential Tips to Elevate Your Product Launches with Ten Events


You have spent months, sometimes even years, of hard work to get to this point. Long days of ideating the perfect product, from the name to the target audience. Now launch day is finally here! You are so excited to show off your new creation, but you are unsure of what goes into making an unforgettable event.

No worries, we are here to help. At Ten Events we know that first impressions matter. When it comes to launching a new product, we know how crucial it is to nail the first event. Over the years we have helped many companies make their mark with successful launches. Over the next few minutes, we are going to share some of the steps we guide our clients through to elevate their event experience.

Collaborate Early

The success of a product launch hinges on early and effective collaboration. This means bringing everyone that will be involved in your event, event planners, marketing teams, and technical experts as early as possible. This not only helps give people as much time as possible, but also gets everyone aligned as early as possible. This helps avoid any last-minute issues, it also helps create a cohesive strategy and lets each department know how they will be involved in the event.

Early collaboration fosters a sense of ownership among team members. When the teams are included from the start, they’re more likely to contribute ideas and solutions to help elevate the experience. This approach helps ensure that the messaging, branding, and technical execution are seamless.

Strategic Marketing Integration

Your product launch should be seamlessly woven into your overall marketing strategy. Start by generating excitement well before launch day. Use pre-launch teasers, influencer partnerships, and countdown campaigns across social media and email to build anticipation and keep your audience engaged.

On launch day, ensure every marketing channel is aligned. Share live updates on social media, update your website with event-specific content like livestreams or exclusive offers, and send timed email campaigns that coincide with key moments during the event.

After the launch, keep the momentum going with follow-up emails that include event recaps and special offers. Continue engaging your audience with social media highlights and user-generated content. Retarget attendees and potential customers with ads to drive conversions post-launch.

To execute this smoothly, leverage marketing automation tools for email campaigns, social media scheduling, and digital ads, ensuring a cohesive and impactful launch experience.

Leverage Technology for Seamless Execution

In today’s digital world, the technology you choose can make or break your product launch. Whether it is a virtual, hybrid or fully in-person, it’s crucial to leverage platforms and tools that support seamless execution. The solution can change based off the type of event you choose to run.

For an in-person experience you have your traditional AV setup that includes sound, lighting, and video. But you also need to know if you are going to need image magnification (IMAG) or live video feed for the event projected on screens. If IMAG is part of the plan this means you need to include camera and operators to capture the event.  

When it comes to a hybrid or virtual event, you’ll need everything we are using for an in-person event, plus technology for streaming. Your streaming platform will take the camera feed and encode it so the remote attendees can view the event. When selecting a platform, consider whether it can handle your attendee audience size, offer interactive features, and seamlessly integrate with any third-party products you are using.

Technology isn’t just about the tools; it’s about creating an experience. The right technology enhances audience engagement, allows for real-time feedback, and provides a smooth user experience. It also gives you the flexibility to reach a global audience without compromising on quality.

High-Quality Production

When it comes to product launches, presentation is key. Most likely you will want to have a high-quality broadcast style event. From sound and lighting to visuals and staging, all of which can help elevate your event and leave a lasting impression. Think of this as setting the stage for your product, it needs to not just look professional, but it needs to be polished to command attention.

Investing in the production quality not only shows your audience that you take your product seriously, but also their time. Whether it is a live demonstration, a virtual showcase, or just a keynote presentation, every detail should be planned and executed to reflect the caliber of your product.

Incorporate Engagement

One key to making your product launch successful is incorporating audience engagement. These days, just doing a slide and video presentation is simply not good enough. You need to create an experience that involves your audience and makes them feel like part of the event. This can be achieved through simple things like live polls, a Q&A session, or even asocial media wall.

Engagement isn’t just about keeping the audience entertained; it’s about building a connection between you and your potential buyers. The more involved your audience is, the more memorable the event becomes, leading to a personal connection between the audience member and your product. This connection is what turns attendees into advocates for your product and, ultimately, for your brand.

Personalize the Platform

When it comes to making your event unforgettable, personalization is key. It’s not just about throwing your logo on a page, it's about creating an experience that feels genuinely tailored. Platforms like Xyvid Pro give you the flexibility to fully customize your landing page, design the player with your product’s logo, and choose background colors that match your brand. Even the small details, like footers and buttons, can be adjusted to ensure everything feels cohesive and on-point.

But let's be clear: personalization isn't just about the aesthetics. It’s about making your attendees feel like this event was made just for them. When you fine-tune the experience to align with their preferences, you’re not just putting on a show but you’re creating something that truly resonates.

Pre-Event Testing and Rehearsals

Now that you’ve nailed down the event type, design, and platform, it’s time to focus on something crucial: testing and rehearsals. Think of these as your safety net, they help catch any potential issues before they spiral into major headaches on event day. Whether it's a technical run-through or timing rehearsal, these steps are essential.

Rehearsals aren’t just about getting the flow right. They’re also about making sure everyone’s on the same page and comfortable with the setup. It’s your chance to ensure that presenters know the tech and feel confident when the spotlights on them. The more you rehearse, the smoother your event will run. It’s just that simple.

Real-time Monitoring and Feedback

During the event, it’s important to monitor what’s happening in real-time and be ready to make adjustments on the fly. This includes keeping an eye on technical performance, audience engagement, and any unforeseen issues that may arise. Real-time monitoring allows you to address problems before they escalate and ensures that the event runs smoothly.

Gathering feedback during the event is also valuable for making quick improvements. Whether it’s through live polls, social media comments, or direct feedback, being responsive to your audience’s needs can enhance the overall experience.

Measure Success with Data Analytics

After the event, it’s time to measure success. Data analytics can provide valuable insights into what worked, what didn’t, and where there’s room for improvement. From engagement metrics to conversion rates, this data helps you understand your audience better and refine your strategy for future launches.

Analytics aren’t just for post-event reflection—they’re tools for continuous improvement. By analyzing the data, you can make informed decisions that enhance the effectiveness of your future events and marketing strategies.

Make Your Content Enduring

Finally, let’s talk about keeping the momentum going even after the event is over. You’ve put in the work to create the perfect event materials: whether it’s demo videos, slide decks, or testimonials, so make sure you give them life beyond the event. Upload it to your website, share clips on social media, or use event data (like poll results) to drive follow-up emails. The key here is to keep the energy alive and the momentum going.

Enduring content doesn’t just keep your product in the spotlight; it keeps the conversation going long after the event ends. It’s a powerful way to make sure your launch continues to make waves and builds ongoing brand awareness.

Launching a product isn’t easy, but when you do it right, the rewards are worth it. Follow these tips, and your product launch won’t just be another event but one that has been elevated and memorable. From early planning to keeping your content alive post-launch, each step plays a crucial role in creating a launch that not only resonates but delivers real results.