September 30, 2024

Engaging Your Sales Team for a Virtual Sales Kickoff


Why Should You Host a Virtual Sales Kickoff?

Virtual sales kickoffs are an easy and cost-effective way to review goals, future marketing and sales plans, and provide information and training at scale.

They also offer loads of interesting digital tools for audience engagement, performance analytics, and data collection. The possibility to prerecord keynotes, repurpose content after the event, and deliver a hyper-personalized experience to participants also greatly benefit both the hosts and the participants.

For the attendee, virtual events are a very convenient way to connect with peers and learn more about a shared topic of interest. They can join the event from the comfort of their home or anywhere in the world with a decent internet connection.

What are the benefits of a virtual sales kickoff?

There are a ton of benefits to virtual events–whether it’s completely virtual or just has a virtual component to it. Here are some of them:

  • Reduce logistics: No booking hotels. No badges or billets. You can just focus on logistical planning from a presenter and production.
  • Accessible: By hosting the event online, it’s possible for people around the world to attend, engage, and build relationships––expanding the geographic and cultural diversity of participants, quality of presenters, and reach of sponsors. It’s also accessible for those with a disability who might not be able to attend an in-person event.
  • Flexible time options: Unlike an in-person event, a virtual event isn’t required to pack everything into one full day. Attendees can choose to participate live or as their schedule permits with video on demand (VOD).
  • Affordable: If you choose, a virtual event lets you offer at a lower cost to participants, making it more affordable.
  • Profitable: However, virtual events can also be more profitable without as much overhead–whether you offer tickets at a discount or not.
  • Valuable: A virtual event can be just as transformative as an in-person event, including teaching sessions, panels, and networking–depending on how you structure it.
  • More acceptable: A decade ago, you might have struggled to get people to see a virtual event as valuable–but one of the byproducts of the pandemic is that most of us just take them for granted now.
  • Unique opportunities: A virtual event actually gives you ways to reach your audience that an in-person event doesn’t.
  • More tech options: Finally, it’s easier than ever to host a virtual event thanks to a whole crop of virtual event platforms out there.

Creating a Pre-Event Plan

As you enter the planning phase, envision your ideal event with these questions in mind:

  • Will it be hybrid or virtual?
  • What KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) or goals do you need to meet?
  • How do you intend for audiences to interact with one another or the speakers?

You may be tempted to livestream your content to a virtual audience or send them a replay, but successful virtual and hybrid experiences require the same forethought as in-person events to be truly engaging. Here are some things to consider:

  • Decide on a clearly defined theme to serve as an anchor point for content, messaging, and activities.
  • Launch a pre-event survey or poll to attendees to learn what they hope to get out of the kickoff.
  • For global teams, design an agenda for audiences around the world, with region-specific session content and replays of important sessions like keynotes in different time zones.

Think about your event assets (agenda, session content, and visual elements). Choose a virtual event management solution that will support these foundational planning activities by making it easy to design, create, and customize event details.

Identifying the Goals of Your Virtual Sales Kickoff Meeting

Before you dive into planning a virtual sales kickoff, get clarity on your goals for the year, so you can incorporate the right messaging into your event. In this selling environment, leaders can no longer measure sales reps based on traditional KPIs, like the number of face-to-face meetings or in-person demos they give.

After you reflect on the previous year (what went well and what didn’t), share your strategy and intentions for the year ahead.

  • Are you focused on deepening relationships with existing customers?
  • Are you connecting with new prospects? A combination of the two?
  • Have executive leadership translate the goals from the top down. Use that guidance to clarify your goals for the event. Is it to raise morale, teach soft skills, or something else?

Putting in the work on this ahead of time will ensure everyone on the same page.

Creating an Engaging Agenda

Consider polling your organization to see what subjects are top of mind. Are they interested in learning Soft Skills, such as empathy? Do they need a better understanding of sales cadences? Consider conducting discovery sessions with your account executives and product marketing to identify challenges and needs facing your salespeople. That’s one way to ensure that your kickoffs address pain points and foster meaningful growth.

The ideal virtual kickoff agenda should:

  • Stay true to your goals
  • Give participants something to do and share each day
  • Create a balance between product enablement, selling skills, and customer acumen
  • Include bite-sized chunks of content with time for reflection
  • Inspire people with amazing energy and motivation

Don’t Forget Soft Skills

Sales kickoffs often focus on metrics and selling strategies, but now more than ever, teams need to hone soft skills like communicating with empathy. This is essential to connecting with prospects in uncertain times.

Managers also need to learn how to use one-on-one meetings to really take a pulse on how someone is doing and not just look at metrics. Make sure your kickoff agenda includes some of these soft skills, as they are crucial to your teams’ success and longevity moving forward.

Deliver Compelling Content

For a virtual sales kickoff event, creating compelling content is key to keeping the audience engaged and ensuring the event is memorable. Keep in mind to always include the customer and foster interaction and engagement.

Here are some ideas:

  • Interactive Polls and Q&A Sessions: Engage attendees right from the start with live polls related to the event’s theme. Follow up with a Q&A session where participants can ask questions, either live or via chat.
  • Inspirational Keynote Speakers: Invite industry leaders or motivational speakers who can provide valuable insights and set the tone for the event. Their speeches can be a mix of inspiration and practical advice.
  • Panel Discussions: Organize a panel discussion with experts in your field. Ensure the conversation is lively and relevant, addressing current trends and challenges in the industry.
  • Breakout Sessions: Allow attendees to join smaller, topic-specific breakout sessions where they can dive deeper into areas of interest, collaborate, and network with like-minded individuals.
  • Live Demonstrations or Tutorials: If applicable, showcase products, tools, or processes with live demos. This can be particularly engaging if the audience can interact or follow along.
  • Networking Opportunities: Include virtual networking rooms or speed networking sessions. Use breakout rooms or dedicated times where participants can meet and interact with others in a more casual setting.
  • Gamification: Introduce gamified elements like trivia, scavenger hunts, or challenges related to the event content. Offer small prizes or recognition to winners to increase participation.
  • Virtual Tours: If relevant, offer a virtual tour of your company, facilities, or other interesting locations related to the event’s theme.
  • Personalized Content: Tailor content to different segments of your audience. Offer customizable agendas, or personalized tracks, that allow participants to focus on what matters most to them.
  • Interactive Workshops: Host workshops where participants can actively engage in hands-on activities or collaborative projects. Provide materials in advance if needed.
  • Success Stories and Case Studies: Share success stories, testimonials, or case studies from your clients or team members to illustrate the impact of your work and inspire attendees.
  • Entertainment and Breaks: Incorporate light-hearted elements such as live music, comedy acts, or short wellness sessions like virtual yoga or meditation to keep the energy high and provide breaks.
  • Visual Storytelling: Use visually compelling content like animated videos, infographics, or storytelling presentations that engage the audience on an emotional level.
  • Virtual Swag Bags: Offer digital downloads, discounts, or access to exclusive content as virtual swag bags for participants.
  • Closing Remarks and Future Outlook: End with a powerful closing session that summarizes key points, acknowledges contributions, and outlines the path forward, leaving attendees with a sense of excitement and direction.

Incorporating a mix of these elements will create a dynamic and engaging virtual kickoff event that resonates with your audience.

Reinforce Learning While Keeping Engagement High

Enhancing reinforcement learning in your virtual kickoff event can make it more engaging and memorable for participants. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Interactive Quizzes and Polls

Why? Quizzes and polls keep participants engaged by requiring them to actively participate. Reinforcing learning through instant feedback helps solidify concepts.

How? Use Xyvid PRO to create quizzes that recap key points discussed during the event. Offer rewards or recognition for top performers to encourage participation.

2. Breakout Sessions with Group Activities

Why? Smaller group discussions allow participants to digest and discuss information in a more intimate setting, reinforcing what they've learned.

How? Plan breakout sessions where teams solve problems or discuss case studies related to the event’s theme. Rotate groups to keep the discussions dynamic.

3. Gamification

Why? Gamification turns learning into a fun and competitive experience, which can improve retention.

How? Incorporate elements like leaderboards that participants can earn throughout the event. This could be tied to completing specific tasks, answering questions, or contributing to discussions.

4. Real-Time Collaboration Tools

Why? Collaborative tools encourage participants to apply what they’ve learned immediately, reinforcing their understanding.

How? Use tools like Miro or Google Jamboard for collaborative exercises. For example, you could have participants brainstorm ideas or map out a plan in real-time.

5. Storytelling and Real-Life Examples

Why? Stories and examples make abstract concepts relatable and easier to remember.

How? Invite speakers to share real-life experiences that illustrate the principles you’re trying to teach. Encourage participants to share their stories or challenges as well.

6. Follow-Up Activities

Why? Reinforcement is stronger when learning is spread out over time, rather than being a one-time event.

How? After the event, provide participants with follow-up materials like short videos, articles, or exercises that revisit key points. You can also schedule follow-up webinars or discussions.

7. Peer Learning and Mentorship

Why? Learning from peers can be highly effective as it encourages collaboration and the sharing of different perspectives.

How? Create a mentorship program where experienced participants can guide newer members through the learning process or organize peer review sessions where participants can give each other feedback.

8. Use of Visual Aids and Memory Cues

Why? Visual aids and mnemonic devices help in retaining information.

How? Use slides, infographics, or videos to reinforce key points. Consider using acronyms or other mnemonic devices to help participants remember important concepts.

9. Encourage Questions and Reflection

Why? Asking questions and reflecting on what has been learned are crucial parts of the reinforcement process.

How? Build in time for Q&A sessions and encourage participants to share their thoughts and reflections. You could also use tools like Padlet or a forum where participants can post questions or insights throughout the event.

10. Simulations and Role-Playing

Why? Experiential learning, like simulations and role-playing, helps participants apply knowledge in a practical context.

How? Set up scenarios where participants have to role-play or work through simulations that mirror real-world challenges they might face.

By integrating these strategies, you can create a more dynamic and impactful virtual kickoff event that reinforces learning and ensures participants walk away with a deeper understanding of the topics covered.

Virtual Icebreakers

Virtual icebreakers are activities or games designed to help participants get comfortable, build rapport, and engage with one another in a virtual setting. They are especially useful in online events where attendees might feel disconnected or awkward due to the lack of physical presence. Here’s how you can use virtual icebreakers to help your business:

Benefits of Using Virtual Icebreakers:

  • Build Rapport and Connection: Icebreakers help participants get to know each other, making the environment more friendly and collaborative.
  • Increase Engagement: They can grab attention and energize participants, making them more engaged throughout the event.
  • Reduce Anxiety: Icebreakers can ease the tension or nervousness participants might feel at the beginning of a meeting.
  • Foster Collaboration: By encouraging interaction early on, icebreakers can set the tone for a more collaborative and productive session.
  • Improve Communication: They help break down communication barriers, making it easier for participants to contribute ideas and ask questions.

Speaker or Influencer

When working with external speakers, discuss their presentation’s focus and format early on in the planning process before they develop their content.

Out of respect for speakers’ time and to avoid any tech snafus during your virtual kickoff, conduct a tech dry run before you do a speaker dry run.

Post-event: reinforcement and feedback

After a virtual event kickoff, reinforcement and feedback are crucial for ensuring the momentum continues and participants remain engaged. Here are some best practices to consider:

1. Immediate Follow-Up Communication

Thank-You Email: Send a thank-you email to all participants, summarizing key takeaways and providing access to the event recording and materials.

Highlight Key Points: Reinforce the key messages and objectives discussed during the event.

2. Provide Event Resources

Access to Recordings and Presentations: Ensure that participants have easy access to the event recording, slide decks, and any additional resources.

Create a Resource Hub: If applicable, create a dedicated webpage or repository where all event-related materials can be accessed.

3. Engage with a Post-Event Survey

Feedback Form: Send out a survey to collect feedback on the event. Focus on what worked well, areas for improvement, and additional topics of interest.

Anonymous Feedback Option: Consider allowing anonymous responses to encourage honest feedback.

4. Reinforce Learning and Key Messages

Follow-Up Webinars or Workshops: Organize additional sessions to dive deeper into specific topics or address any questions that arose during the kickoff.

Knowledge Checks: Implement quizzes or knowledge checks to reinforce key concepts discussed during the event.

5. Encourage Networking and Collaboration

Create Online Discussion Forums: Encourage continued discussion on topics from the event through forums or collaboration platforms like Slack, Teams, or LinkedIn groups.

Networking Opportunities: Facilitate smaller group discussions or virtual meetups for participants to connect and share insights.

6. Provide Actionable Next Steps

Clear Action Items: Clearly outline the next steps for participants, including any tasks or goals that need to be achieved post-event.

Timeline for Follow-Up: Establish a timeline for when follow-up actions will take place, keeping participants informed of what to expect.

7. Track Progress and Engagement

Monitor Engagement: Track participant engagement with follow-up resources and activities. Use this data to identify trends or areas needing further attention.

Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular check-ins with key participants or stakeholders to assess progress and address any challenges.

8. Recognize and Reward Participation

Acknowledgment of Contributions: Publicly recognize participants who contributed significantly to the event or follow-up activities.

Incentives: Consider offering incentives for completing surveys, participating in follow-up sessions, or achieving post-event goals.

9. Continuous Improvement

Review Feedback: Analyze the feedback collected and identify areas for improvement in future events.

Implement Changes: Use the insights gained to refine future events, ensuring that each iteration is more effective than the last.

10. Share Success Stories

Case Studies or Testimonials: Share success stories or testimonials from participants who have benefited from the event’s content.

Publicize Results: If the event had specific goals or metrics, share the results with participants to highlight the impact of their participation.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that the momentum generated by the virtual sales kickoff meeting is sustained and that participants remain engaged and productive in the weeks and months following the event.