As businesses begin to reopen and transition to their new “normal”, many employees are starting to go back to the office after working remotely for the past 3 months. Heading back to work after the COVID-19 pandemic will, undoubtedly raise questions.
When will all employees have to come back to the office? Are there safety precautions in place? Will employees be forced to come back to work or do they have a choice in the matter? All are valid and understandable questions. And it is important to ask these questions to ensure you are fully prepared to return to work.
We’ve outlined a few questions that employees should ask, and that employers should be prepared to answer.
Will employees be able to practice social distancing? This will be one of the most common questions asked when employees are heading back to work after the COVID-19 pandemic. Considering COVID-19 is spread through close contact with others, employees will want to know that they can be as safe as possible while at work. Employers should look at separating desks and ensuring that everyone is always able to keep 6 feet of distance from each other.
What guidelines will be put in place to keep everyone safe? Specifically, will everyone be required to wear a mask at all times? Will there be any kind of physical dividers between desks? How often will areas be cleaned and disinfected? It is important to answer all of these questions and more to give your employees peace of mind. If you want people to start coming back to work, you need to make sure that they will be as safe as possible.
How will employees be assisted while at work? This question is more concerned with what the employer will be able to provide for employees. For example, will there be face masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes available? Having these products available will prove to your employees that you are prepared for everyone to safely return to work.
What are the steps if someone in the office has COVID-19 or begins showing symptoms? You will need to have a plan in place if something like this arises. Before employees come back to work, you will need to clearly outline what will happen. Some companies are checking temperatures at the door and screening employees before they enter the building. Employers should highly encourage employees to stay home if they exhibit any possible symptoms of COVID-19, such as coughing, shortness of breath, or a fever.
Will people be forced back to work? Ultimately, employers should want to keep all of their employees and their family’s safe. If an employee is immunocompromised or lives with someone who is, accommodations will need to be made. This will need to be done on a case by case basis. Likewise, employees should not hesitate to bring any concerns they may have to their immediate supervisor.
You can also ensure that your employees are safe and informed by using the Xyvid Pro platform for your next conference or meeting. Instead of meeting in person, you can broadcast your message to your entire audience in an engaging and eye-catching presentation. At Xyvid, we help you present better, and that is exactly what you need to do during this time of uncertainty.